Urban Health Track


Created in 2017, the Urban Health Track is a longitudinal curriculum designed to develop leaders in primary care and urban/underserved care in South Florida. This is a primary care-oriented curriculum which provides dedicated training experiences in psychiatry, HIV primary care, women’s health, dermatology, and musculoskeletal examination/procedures through the structured use of elective time.

The Urban Health Track has a separate ERAS Application - Program ID as below:

Internal Medicine (Urban Health) - 1104140C3

Rotations include:

∙ Women’s Health
∙ Dermatology
∙ Sports Medicine/MSK
∙ Psychiatry consults
∙ HIV Primary Care
∙ Miami Rescue Mission


In addition to the required clinical rotations listed above, UHT residents volunteer longitudinally at the IDEA Exchange, a free clinic that provides sterile syringes, basic wound care, overdose prevention, medication treatment for substance use disorders, and referrals to HIV treatment services.


Our UHT residents are responsible for creating and delivering content during Internal Medicine ambulatory academic half-days. In the past, our UHT residents have lead sessions such as LGBTQ+ Health in Primary Care and sessions on substance use disorders and addiction medicine.

UHT residents also participate in quarterly resident-driven journal clubs. Open to all Internal Medicine and Med-Peds residents, our UHT residents lead robust discussions on topics such as gender-affirming care, medication-assisted treatment referral programs, and exploring housing status and income as social determinants of health.


All urban health track residents are required to participate in scholarly activity and must complete at least one scholarly project to successfully complete the track.